Swine Articles on Africa
Poor pasture, persistent livestock diseases as well as lack of infrastructure and personnel are among challenges thwarting the development of livestock industry in the country.
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Gulu has imposed a quarantine on pigs and restricted their movement in the district.This was after over 150 pigs died of African swine fever in Odek, Lakwana, Koro and Bardege sub-counties in the last five months.
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Sub-Saharan Africa profits from new DSM plant
When DSM Nutritional Products’ existing blending facility threatened to reach its production capacity a few years ago a decision was made to invest in a new plant at their Isando head-office in Johannesburg. DSM transferred all of its premix production to this plant at the beginning of March 2009.
The commissioning of the new feed premix plant in Isando sees DSM Nutritional Products’ vision of having its human and animal nutrition divisions operating on a single site in South Africa realised. DSM hopes to capitalise on the synergies between these two closely related industries to maintain and grow its presence in the sub-Saharan region.
DSM Nutritional Products South Africa (Pty) Ltd is one of the largest suppliers of vitamins to the animal nutrition industry in sub-Saharan Africa and has been active in the blending and distribution of animal feed premixes in this region for the past ten years.
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Canadian govt launches agri export program
The Government of Canada has launched a new program to help Canadian farmers and exporters sell more products to more international customers. This new Trade and Market Development Program is part of the new Growing Forward agricultural framework.
"You have to create opportunities in international markets to have a competitive farm gate here in Canada," said Federal Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz. "By supporting Canadian exporters, we are increasing opportunities for everyone all along the value chain, from farm gate to fork."
"This program is another way to help agriculture exporters expand opportunities across international borders," said the Honourable Jean-Pierre Blackburn, Minister of National Revenue and Minister of State (Agriculture).
The Trade and Market Development program will make sure exporters have the information and support they need to sell more products in more markets. It includes a range of initiatives to bring industry success in global and domestic markets. The program will help equip the sector to seize market opportunities and address emerging challenges.
A key component of the program is the AgriMarketing program which will sell more of Canada's safe, high-quality world-class products around the world. For example, the program will help exporters by ensuring the Canada Brand maple leaf is on promotional materials, raising the profile of the good, healthy food our farmers produce.
Growing Forward is a new commitment to Canada's farmers and associated industries that is focused on achieving results, reflects input from across the sector, and will deliver programs that are simpler, more effective and tailored to local needs.
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